New report: Gamba out of control
Did you see the TV coverage of our new report?
This new report confirms what Territorians know: gamba is out of control. We urgently need more investment from the NT Government to reduce fire risk and protect the environment.
The report Gamba Grass and Land Tenure in the Northern Territory provides a reminder that the current level of funding is inadequate to properly manage the spread of public lands. Territorians are living with this mess that leaves us with more intense bushfires and risks private landholders losing faith in overall control efforts.
There are many landholders working hard to control gamba, but this analysis shows that there are still plenty of landholders that are unwilling or unable to control the weed. We’re in a gamba fueled crisis that needs an urgent response with clear targets to stop its spread.
This is a fight that we can win. We need to do more now.
Send a message to Territory politicians and call on them to fund the fight today.
Here’s what else has happened in this big week:
Yesterday we launched our new TV Ad with Jan and Geoff. This is another way we are amplifying the voices of our Gamba Grass Roots community and calling for stronger commitments from all parties ahead of the upcoming Territory election.
You can watch and SHARE the video here.
Our report sparked discussion and debate on ABC TV, Mix 104.9 with Katie Woolf, ABC Radio with Adam Steer, and in the Katherine Times. Community callers and texters were clear every time: Territorians want more gamba action.
We saw news reports this morning highlighting again the role gamba plays in making our fire seasons worse. Territorians are crying out for stronger gamba action. The science tells us what’s needed to reduce fire risks and protect Litchfield National Park. Everyone knows it.
Now it’s time for Territory politicians to step up. Let’s get to work setting the Territory up for success in our fight against gamba – now. Write to our pollies today.
P.S – You can download a copy of our report here.