Tackle Gamba in our National Parks
Have your say on the NT Parks Master Plan
Have your say on our National Parks Master Plan
Territorians and visitors love our Top End parks and reserves, such as the well-loved jewel of the Top End, Litchfield National Park. Its waterfalls, hikes and wildlife make it our most popular park for locals and tourists, all year round.
But parks like Litchfield are under threat from Gamba Grass, which changes landscapes, destroys biodiversity and fuels fires which are dangerous to park visitors and the park’s future. The government has made a plan for the future of our parks, which presents a key opportunity to ensure gamba is properly managed in our beloved parks before it is too late.
Now is our chance to ensure that our parks will be well managed into the future by commenting on the Draft NT Masterplan 2022-52 and calling for more resources to assist rangers to protect our parks from threats such as Gamba Grass. Published feedback during a recent public consultation period recognised “insufficient” resources to manage or reduce threats such as weeds and fire regimes and the expectation of Parks to manage threats to biodiversity values.
Now is a crucial moment for the Fyles Government and the new Minister for Parks and Rangers Nicole Manison to hear from Territorians like you about how much you value our parks. This is a key opportunity to invest in our parks’ future, putting the importance of biodiversity, jobs and fighting weeds at the front of a healthy vision for all of our Territory national parks.
Have your say on how the Territory Government should secure a healthy future for our iconic parks.
Video credit: YouTube user Alexander ND Traveller